Year 2021 Manufacturer EMBRAER Model PHENOM 100EV Serial Number 50000424 Registration # N4EZ Condition Used FlightRules IFR Description Most likely the nicest Phenom 100EV that exist. Very heavily equipped 100EV with special order metallic grey paint from the factory. Airframe
Total Time 310 Maintenance Tracking CAMP Parts Maintenance Program EEC Engine Program
Engine Maintenance Program ESP Platinum Avionics
Avionics/Radios Weather Radar DME + 2nd Transponder Mode S with Diversity TCAS I - Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I Radio Altimeter TAWS Class A ATN CPDLC and FAA Data Comm Ground Clutter Suppression and Turbulence Detection Surface Watch Reactive Windshear Additional Equipment
Additional Equipment Sunshade and Sun visor Cockpit flood Lights Cockpit Seats Sheepskin Cover Stowage Compartment Cabin Throw Rugs Premium Passenger door Life Vest (8 seats) Crew PBE - Crew Portable Breathing Equipment Smoke Goggles Garmin Iridium voice call and texting Belted Toilet + 5th Seat Lavatory Rigid Door InFlight Phone and Datalink System In-Flight Entertainment system Exterior
Year Painted 2021 Exterior Notes Metallic Grey. Interior